My first spirit baby

 My first spirit baby was my oldest daughter, who is now 14 years old. As I wrote in a previous post, this connection with her happened as soon as my husband and I decided that it was time for us to be parents. This is what I wrote:

"One year after our marriage, my husband and I were ready for our first child. We were both very excited and full of anticipation, but at the same time a bit nervous and insecure. But we had already decided, that it was time. What happened after this decision was so exciting that no matter what words I use to describe it, I can't describe it as magical and wonderful as it really was. That evening I was lying on my bed reading a book, when suddenly the thought of "I am ready too" tore me away from my reading. I knew immediately that it was not my own thought, but that it was about my future daughter and the love I felt was enormous. That evening our communication began in the form of a telepathic conversation. I felt a female presence, her liveliness, her courage and love for life, but at the same time I felt a little nervousness, insecurity and fear of being hurt. I promised her that all was well, that I would always be here for her and I would unconditionally support her in all life difficulties, uncertainties and life decisions. Although she would be my first child and I would be completely new in my role as a mother, and therefore a little insecure myself, I promised her inwardly that I was ready and also curious to assume that role. And so began our relationship ... on a September evening while I was reading a book by Isabel Allende. And so it was ... I became pregnant that month and 9 months later I had my daughter in my arms. Over the years, I have found that all my perceptions of that evening have become real and the effects of that will be told in another post at a later date."

That first communication was also my promise to her that I would always be here for her, accept her as she is and that I would help her go through her life challenges. What I didn't know back then is that she would also be here for me too and that we would support each other along the way. And so it is. She is not only my daughter, but also my best friend and I tell her more about me and my work, than I tell my husband (who accepts it, but doesn't really understand it at a deeper level). At the same time, I don't forget my role as a mother and there are also things that she doesn't find so funny or exciting, but this is how it should be and what works for us. One day we're arguing, because I don't let her do what she wants or because I want her to clean her room and on the next day we're having deep conversations about life and about our feelings and how we can overcome the sadder ones. And the best thing is that she was always open to me and she always told me things about her life and about how she feels (she tells me about her bad day at school, about her loving a boy and about her heartbreak, about her first kiss, about her worries and joys and even about her pains). Sometimes I even joke and tell her that "this is something I didn't really wanted to know". 

But as every teenager, there comes a time when they don't share as much as we would like too. One day she told me that she would like to talk with someone about her emotional struggle and she refused to open herself up to me in one particular topic. I still don't know what it really was about, and even though she told me that it was about something we had talked about previously, she still wanted to talk with someone else about it. That really hit me hard, not only because I knew that she was hurting, but the worst for me was that I felt so helpless for the first time. I was happy that she wanted to talk with someone else, but I wasn't sure why it was making me feel so bad at the same time. It was when I've realized that I felt so bad, because I felt that I was failing at my first promise to her. For the first time I was not able to be here for her as I had promised her and she was not confiding in me for the first time in her life. I had to go through the process of trust and acceptance, that she needed that outer perspective and that it was nothing personal. I had to let it go and respect her privacy. At the end, she was being a "normal teenager" and she was seeking for help. And I still had nothing to complain about, because she was still talking to me about everything else. I feel and know deep inside, that we're always going to have this special connection and openness and that it's part of our relationship ... a relationship that started before she was born ... and the most important is that she knows that I'll always be here for her whenever she needs me. 

What I want to show you with this post is that everything I felt and what we communicated at the time I had decided to become a mother, turned out to be true and it was/is the basis of our relationship. That first communication was important to her and she still relays on that throughout our lives together. I have many other examples of the importance of this first communication from many clients and it's the proof that this communication really takes place at an energetic or soul level and that it's the beginning of a life-long relationship. It also helps your future child to have the confidence they need to come into an earthly existence with you and your family. I'll be giving you other examples of people I was able to help and establish this communication and I hope that these experiences will also help you or motivate you to seek this kind of communication before conception. 

Criação e amor, duas palavras que devem andar de mãos dadas


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