The basics of the spirit baby teachings

Before I write further information about spiritbabyteachings and about the experiences I personally had and I have been having with clients, it's important to write about what's behind these teachings. I had clients that didn't believe in the existence of a soul and I was still able to help them (many had to reevaluate their beliefs after their very intense session), but for me these teachings are more difficult to achieve without taking the journey of the soul into account. How is it possible to talk about your future child trying to contact you and how could I explain the images they give me (that only you is able to confirm)? But I'm not only going to write about the existence of a soul, but also about how you personally can take the lead in your dream of becoming a parent. Here are the basics of what I believe is the essence of the spirit baby teachings:

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL COMPONENT OF CONCEPTION? HAVE YOU EVER thought about the idea that to create a new human being, there is more than the combination of egg and sperm? 

Way before the physical components – sperm and egg – come together, the spirit of a baby to be, is making contact with either the mother to be, the father to be, or both. These souls or spirits link themselves to the energy field of their parents to start connecting, building a relationship and getting ready to be born.

Generally these spirits have either a karmic link to us, in that we have had many lifetimes with each other and through some act of kindness they’ve been attracted to us or the spirit baby merely chooses us because there is something important it needs to learn from or through us – or something important it needs to teach us. Sometimes this can be as simple as the child wishing to learn a particular human skill, such as a sport or an instrument, or as advanced as a conducive environment to nurture a future leader, priest, teacher, business person, president….

Naturally the soul of our child-to-be, is in our energy field pre-conception, and this is when our "wish to become a parent" or "the knowing that we're meant to be a parent" is very present. As I already wrote in a previous post, for me, this knowing that I would have three children was present since I was a child. Later in my life, this inner knowledge got into conflict with my wish to have a third child and my husband not wanting more than 2 children (more about this story will come). But when there is a wish of having a child and a knowing that a soul is about to come into a family, it usually means that there is a spirit baby in a mother's or father's energy field, or of both. 

In order to facilitate easier conception the communication with our child-to-be is an important aspect of healthy conception and pregnancy. In fact, conscious conception principles and connection with our child to be, are very important concepts to understand when we are confronted with “physical” fertility challenges.

One important thing to note is, even though you might have a clear spirit of your future child in your energy field, it will not be physically conceived until:

  1. the spirit is ready to be incarnated – which can be years (in my case I always felt them in my energy field, but my first child was born just before I turned 26 years old)
  2.  the environment is conducive to what the spirit needs 
  3.  the spirit needs us to be energetically, emotionally receptive and ready to match the vibration of the spirit baby. - I've learnt this during the TTC journey of my second and third children. Their stories will also follow soon.

This is one of the reasons for miscarriages – the spirit thought it was ready to be incarnated, yet while the soul together with the mother create the body something is not quite right (like the physical body will not support its life mission for various reasons), or the spirit starts not feeling ready to be in a physical body and it withdraws, putting the pregnancy at a stop, in order to come again at a later time.

We meditate and we call the spirit in, while nurturing our body (physical and energetic)

Meditation and clairvoyant / clairaudiant / clairsentient abilities are like muscles that need to be trained. The more we practice the more we are able to tune messages we receive. So if you are new to meditation being able to feel or see your child to be might take daily practice for a week, two weeks, a month, but if you maintain your persistence you'll see results.

You need to know that most spirits that have chosen their respective parents are keen to communicate with the parents. If we are not doing active communication this might come through a strong feeling of having to move, to build a family or having to change jobs or having to see a certain practitioner. The spirits will try their hardest to help you conceive them. 

If you're not into meditation don't feel discouraged, because your spirit baby will hear you if you just talk to it either in your mind or out loud. But if you want to listen to what your future child has to tell you, you need to silence your mind and listen with your heart. This answer will come in form of thought and you'll have an inner knowing that it's not your own thought, but a message for you. 

Conscious Conception - Jeanne Booth
