How it all started and my first reading

It's difficult for me to pinpoint the first time I communicated with a spirit baby. Since I remember I was always able to determine when a woman was pregnant, if a family friend was going to be a father for the first time and if they were having a boy or a girl. I remember knowing at 3 and 6 years old that my parents were going to give me brothers and no sisters, at about 5 years old that my aunt was going to have a girl, at 6 years old commenting to a friend of my mother that her girl wanted her to know that she was coming and that she had to pay attention to what she was eating and to the medication she was taking (everyone just looked at me as they had just seen a ghost) and even talked to my parents about the children I was going to have as I absolutely knew for sure that it was going to happen as I had described to them. At some point everyone started to take what I said seriously, because everything that I said seemed to be true at the end. 

These clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities just improved with time and even during my adult life I just had to think about a person and suddenly I knew that a baby was on the way. Over time, the informations started to get more detailed and besides knowing that a baby was on its way and if it was going to a boy or a girl, I started to get information when a couple was having challenges in their fertility journey and the reasons why they were not able to conceive. Sometimes it was their insecurities, fears, a physical issue, other times the spirit baby was not ready yet or they were waiting for the right timing and the right body to be born in (these are also very important factors for the baby's life mission). There were also a few cases where the couple didn't have any spirit baby in their energy field and the reasons they were having miscarriage after miscarriage and after spending thousands of dollars in fertility treatments, is that they were following someone else's dream or the idea that as a couple having a child is just the next step to do. An example of this was my chief at the first job I had: I knew that she had already experienced 2 miscarriages and she had been trying to conceive for about 8 years with no success and after spending a huge amount of money in fertility treatments she was starting to get discouraged. We usually didn't talk about private aspects of her life, but one day she was inclined to open up to me about her infertility struggles (maybe because she intuitively knew that I was able to help her). As I didn't see any spirit babies in her aura (could also be for many reasons besides that she was not meant to be a mother), instead of me telling her what I felt (what would also come as a bit strange to her, because she didn't know about my abilities) I asked her why she wanted to have children so desperately ... I asked her to picture her future children and to talk to them about why she wanted them in their life and what she had to give to them. I told her, that she could think about these questions at home when she had the time to really reflect upon them. To my surprise, a week later she felt so much lighter and she had such a bright smile when she searched for me to report her experience. It turned out that she decided to share these open questions with her husband and they tried to answer them together. They both agreed that they were actually frightened by the idea of becoming parents and that they didn't feel that they could give their children the attention and support that they would need as they were both into leadership careers and happy with the way they were living their lives. They also both agreed that they were chasing a "society's and family's pressure" to have children and their own programmed  beliefs that "it's what we're supposed to do after getting married". 

My first real client (meaning that she had actively searched for my help) was someone that had heard about my abilities through a common friend and she wanted to know if she was meant to be a mother ... not for the time, but she was curious if it's something that was in her future. At first I reacted a bit skeptical to this reading, because she came to me out of curiosity and not because she needed actual help. But I saw that she had some spirit babies in her energy field and that's the only thing that I told her, as I didn't want to influence her with numbers or gender (what isn't always relevant anyway). After reflecting for a moment she asked me if it was possible that her "spirit babies" are already born and if they could be his boyfriend's children. I asked her to give me more information about his children and it was exactly what I had seen: 2 boys close in age. In fact, the spirit babies that choose you can come to you through adoption or they can also be the children of your spouse from a previous marriage. This means that in these cases you still have an important role in your children's lives and you have a spiritual contract and connection with them in this life even if they're not your biological children. And if you think about it ... what determines the love you feel and the relationship you have with your children ... biology or the spiritual connection you have with them (I also have my own story to confirm this in a post to follow)? Some years later, she confirmed that she was unable to have biological children of her own and that what I had told her years before, had helped her accepting the fact that she was not going to be able to have biological children, but that she was so grateful and happy to still be a mother and the love she feels for her "partner's children" (that are also her own) is indescribable. 

These are just some examples of how this world of the spirit babies found me and I'm grateful to be able to see a little bit of magic every day. I get to see a world of possibilities, of unique and unconditional love, of joy, where usually is despair, fear and uncertainty. Every couple that goes through the difficulties of conception and that experienced a loss knows how heartbreaking and difficult it can be, but at the same time there is a door of love and possibility. It's up to you to open this door and it depends on how open everyone is to a new perspective of awareness and to the possibility that there is an unknown and invisible world, that is there for everyone and eager to be acknowledged. I say the this a lot and in different situations: when we, as human beings, start to see the human as having a body, a mind and a soul everything would be easier. In this case, conception is not only about the body ... it's also about the mind and the soul.  

Heartfelt — Anne Geddes

Picture by Anne Guedes


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