How my spirit babies opened up a door to an unimagined place

Many people ask me how this concept of Spirit Baby appeared and how I came to it, because it's not something known, but rather something unusual. This is what makes this ability unique and magical at the same time. But what does this mean in concrete terms and how did I come to these Spirit Baby sessions?

Ever since I was a child I knew that I wanted to be a mother. Sure, this is every girl's dream and the reasons why most girls play with dolls ...whether it's because girls take over the roles from their parents or whether they are genetically predisposed to it and if that's because they show maternal instincts, there is much to discuss.... but for me it was more than just instinct or role-playing ... I knew deep inside that I would have 3 children and that was as clear and true to me as my name, my looks and everything I saw with my eyes. My increased intuition in many areas and life situations has always been part of me and my "knowledge" about pregnancy has always been very strong. This means that I always knew when a woman was pregnant without her announcing it to others and sometimes even before she knew herself.

One year after our marriage, my husband and I were ready for our first child. We were both very excited and full of anticipation, but at the same time a bit nervous and insecure. But we had already decided, that it was time. What happened after this decision was so exciting that no matter what words I use to describe it, I can't describe it as magical and wonderful as it really was. That evening I was lying on my bed reading a book, when suddenly the thought of "I am ready too" tore me away from my reading. I knew immediately that it was not my own thought, but that it was about my future daughter and the love I felt was enormous. That evening our communication began in the form of a telepathic conversation. I felt a female presence, her liveliness, her courage and love for life, but at the same time I felt a little nervousness, insecurity and fear of being hurt. I promised her that all was well, that I would always be here for her and I would unconditionally support her in all life difficulties, uncertainties and life decisions. Although she would be my first child and I would be completely new in my role as a mother and therefore a little insecure myself, I promised her inwardly that I was ready and also curious to assume that role. And so began our relationship ... on a September evening while I was reading a book by Isabel Allende. And so it was ... I became pregnant that month and 9 months later I had my daughter in my arms. Over the years, I have found that all my perceptions of that evening have become real and the effects of that will be told in another post at a later date.

The years passed and our life situation delayed our second child again and again. When the time finally arrived, I experienced a miscarriage and this experience turned my whole life upside down. I felt hurt like I never had before, I was not capable of understanding why it had happened to me as it seemed like a punishment and no one around me understood how I felt. Words like "You'll get pregnant soon again", "it sometimes happens and it's something that thousands of women experience every day". I knew that everyone was just trying to help me, but nothing did. I had just a part of me. Although this event was one of the most difficult of my life, years later I was able to see and recognize the lessons and the positive side of it ... or at least what the universe was trying to teach me.

Again I knew right away that I was pregnant. Besides, I felt not only one but two souls with me, which surprised me a little. The first ultrasound confirmed this intuitive feeling and every day I had the miracle of experiencing these two souls so intensively like nothing before. They were always present in a certain way, as I had never experienced before and after that. The love and the presence I was feeling were so immense that I floated on clouds of happiness and joy for a whole month. In the 8th week of pregnancy I had a very uncertain and restless feeling, although there was no sign that something was approaching. One day I had a dream that wasn't like an ordinary dream ... I was lying on my bed, about 5 months pregnant, the babies were moving and I heard the voice of a boy who told me: "It will be all right, I'll come later and I love you". After this sentence I woke up terrified and felt pain in my abdomen. At the hospital I received the most painful news of my life ... I had lost both embryos. I had already heard that the loss of a pregnancy could be painful and difficult, but to experience it myself was so thoughtless and this event turned everything upside down (difficult moments, but also life experiences and lessons were behind it).

My pain and the feeling that something was wrong with my body delayed the experience of having my second child in my arms for almost 2 more years. Only when I worked a lot on my emotions, grief and beliefs was it possible for us to conceive our second child ... the boy who told me that he would come later.

After one year I was ready to welcome my 3rd child into this world. However, my husband was not open for a 3rd child and at the same time I could not let go of this idea and wish. In the 2 years before that, there appeared new challenges in our relationship. My intuition helped me and at the same time  it was like it was testing me. I went between the thoughts "I know that a 3rd child is also ready to come into our family and I have to trust that the circumstances will also change" and "but how can I convince my husband and show him that I cannot let go of this wish? But I can't force him in a situation that he doesn't want either ... it's not fair".

The story of how my 3rd child joined our family after these circumstances and what lessons were behind it, I will also share in another post, but before I was allowed to get to know my 3rd child, I experienced again some miscarriages and this time further in the pregnancy. The circumstances were different and I was stronger because of the first miscarriage and the connection to my child was also much stronger. At that time I knew why the conditions were not perfect yet so that this soul could live it's life mission. I was too caught up in the idea of having a girl again, but this soul wanted to be born as a boy and he only came when I was ready to open up to that idea and accept it.

In fact, the 3 souls that I perceived as a child are part of our family and our greatest joy in life. The path until then is filled with stumbling blocks, failure, arguments, tears of pain and joy, love and at the same time filled with life lessons and insights that confirmed my intuition and perception, taught me a lot and showed me and made this work possible and therefore many people can also benefit from it ... which fulfills me so much personally and professionally. Everything that I intuitively perceive and everything that I have learned through my life experiences, I can and will share with you. I have already been able to help many families and people and I will share these success stories with you as well, because through other experiences we recognize our own stories, through other pain, we allow our own wounds to heal and through other successes, we recognize that success in our lives is also possible and when we open this door, miracles happen.

Length of pregnancy alters the child's DNA – Novo Scriptorium


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